CoolSculpting vs. Surgery: Know the Difference

If you struggle with stubborn fat, that persists no matter what you do, then you may be considering a fat removal treatment like CoolSculpting or liposuction.

While both procedures are effective fat reduction options, how do you know which one is right for you?

Continue reading to learn how CoolSculpting vs. surgery compare in terms of safety, side effects, convenience, and results.

CoolSculpting vs. Surgery – Safety and Side Effects

CoolSclupting is an FDA-approved non-invasive body contouring procedure that applies a patented cooling technology in order to freeze and destroy fat cells beneath the skin.

Because it avoids surgery, anesthesia, and incisions, it carries minimal risks. Some possible side effects of CoolSculpting include bruising, swelling, tenderness, and numbness at the treatment site.

These issues are temporary and typically resolve on their own in a matter of days to weeks, without any disruption to daily activities.

Liposuction is a type of fat removal surgery that may be performed with general anesthesia or tumescent anesthesia. It involves making several incisions in the skin in order to insert a thin tube-like instrument called a cannula. The cannula is then used to manually extract fat from the body.

As a surgical procedure, liposuction has considerably more risks than CoolSculpting.

These include contour irregularities, skin discoloration, accumulation of fluid that may need to be drained, temporary or permanent numbness, skin infection, internal puncture wounds, blood clots, and negative reaction to anesthesia.

CoolSculpting vs. Surgery – Convenience

When it comes to CoolSculpting vs. surgery, many women and men elect to undergo CoolSculpting for its convenience. In fact, CoolSculpting is performed in an office setting and typically takes 35-60 minutes per treatment.

Post-procedure, patients are free to go about their day as they normally would, and zero downtime is required.

Depending on the location and number of treatment areas, liposuction surgery usually takes one-to-three hours and must be completed at an accredited surgical facility.

Following treatment, patients are able to return home and will need to take several days off from work and normal activities in order to recover. They are also expected to wear a compression garment for three-to-four weeks.

CoolSculpting vs. Surgery – Results

If you are considering CoolSculpting vs. surgery, you likely want to know about the results of each option.

CoolSculpting can permanently eliminate up to 24 percent of fat in the targeted area, with results becoming evident within four-to-six weeks. Final outcomes are usually revealed by 12 weeks.

Liposuction can remove up to five liters of fat, and final results can be seen after all swelling subsides in several months.

Learn More About CoolSculpting vs. Surgery

If you are considering CoolSculpting vs. surgery, please call our office today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with one of our highly skilled and talented providers.

