CoolSculpting for Men

CoolSculpting for Men in Falls Church

— An elevated experience with remarkable results.

There is a misconception that body contouring is largely a treatment designed for women. The truth is men have their trouble spots too!

A healthy lifestyle is obviously the key to staying fit, but CoolSculpting for men can target those pockets of fat that aren’t responding to your best efforts at the gym.

Why Should I Choose CoolSculpting for Men?

CoolSculpting is a safe and painless procedure that uses freezing temps to destroy fat cells. It can be used on several areas of the body including but not limited to your chin, abdomen, chest, and back. 

Pain-free CoolSculpting sessions are fast lasting only around an hour. It’s easy to resume your normal daily activities after your appointment because no downtime is needed for recovery. 

Are There Side Effects Associated With CoolSculpting? 

This is a low-risk procedure that has few side effects. You might experience swelling, bruising, or redness and / or other skin irritation at the treatment site, as well as decreased sensation and / or discomfort in the area. These side effects are all normal and dissipate on their own rather quickly.

Ask your provider about other risks of the procedure.

When Will I See CoolSculpting Results?

CoolSculpting does not provide overnight results. Instead, you can expect to see gradual improvement.

It can take up to three weeks to notice a change and one to three months after completing all sessions to see your final outcome.

Am I a Good Candidate for CoolSculpting for Men? 

If you are generally healthy, within 20 to 30 pounds of your ideal body weight, and have the desire to safely get rid of stubborn bulges, then you’re likely a great candidate for CoolSculpting for men

Where Is the Best Place to Go for CoolSculpting for Men in Falls Church?

The team at Prolase Medispa is happy to offer Coolsculpting to all our patients who wish to have a beautifully contoured body.

Contact us today at 703-747-9443 to book your consultation, and let’s have a conversation about your customized treatment plan.