Cheap CoolSculpting

While there’s nothing wrong with taking price into consideration before undergoing a cosmetic procedure like CoolSculpting, it’s important not to allow the cost of treatment to guide your selection of a provider or practice.

In fact, the practitioner’s qualifications and experience should be your main priority and will help ensure a safe procedure with desired effects.

Continue reading to learn the risks of cheap CoolSculpting, and what you can expect to pay for a fat-freezing treatment.

How Much Does CoolSculpting Cost?

If you are in the market for a non-invasive fat removal treatment, you may be wondering how much CoolSculpting costs and if there’s such a thing as cheap CoolSculpting.

To start, CoolSculpting cost is determined by a number of factors including treatment area or areas, the number of sessions needed, and each person’s needs and goals.

Accordingly, the best way to determine CoolSculpting cost is to schedule an in-person consultation with a certified CoolSculpting provider.

At this initial meeting, the specialist will carefully assess your concerns and develop a customized plan that is tailored to your body.

This plan will also outline the type of applicators recommended and number of treatments that you may need to achieve optimal results.

Beware of Cheap CoolSculpting

Because CoolSculpting is an elective body contouring procedure, it is not covered by insurance and must be paid by the patient out-of-pocket.

As a result, many women and men tend to price shop before undergoing treatment.

However, patients should be cautious of cheap CoolSculpting or online deals that seem too good to be true. In many cases, these extremely low prices come at the expense of safety and efficacy.

In fact, a practitioner may be offering cheap CoolSculpting because he or she is inexperienced or isn’t a certified CoolSculpting provider.

What’s more, there have been instances in which patients, who believe that they are getting a good deal for CoolSculpting, come to find out that they are not actually being treated with an authentic CoolSculpting device. Rather, the technology is counterfeit or a non-FDA approved imitation.

For these reasons, you should be very wary of cheap CoolSculpting and confirm that you are being treated by an experienced and qualified CoolSculpting provider. The Allergan website features a list of approved practices.

Learn More About CoolSculpting

If you are considering CoolSculpting, please call our office today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with one of our highly skilled and talented providers.

Learn More About CoolSculpting

