What Are My Treatment Options From a Skin Tightening Specialist in Fairfax, Virginia?

Are you starting to notice loose, sagging skin in places that it didn’t used to be in? Are you ready to do something about it?

You may be looking for a skin tightening specialist in Fairfax, Virginia in order to remedy this sagging skin. There are many options to firm up your skin, whether it be from aging or rapid weight loss. 

What Are the Treatments for Moderately Loose Skin?

Depending on the treatment area, there are multiple options for skin that needs subtle tightening. Your provider may give you a skin cream or lotion that has a firming agent in it. 

Your primary care provider may be able to recommend one, although it is best to see a dermatologist or a specialist at a med spa. Don’t expect to see dramatic results, as these are designed to treat small areas.

Other options include IPL photofacials and laser skin tightening, plus dermal fillers can sometimes help by filling in sagging skin.

Need a Lift? Find a Laser Skin Tightening Specialist in Fairfax, Virginia!

Laser skin tightening treatments can be done in a variety of areas such as the abdomen, face, and thighs to help you regain your youthful appearance. 

The process sends out pulses of light into the skin to make it reach a temperature that forces it to start producing collagen. This helps to tighten the skin, and lasts three to four weeks after treatment, at which time a follow-up session is necessary to maintain your results.

Ready to Regain Your Youthful Appearance With Skin Tightening Treatments?

If you’re ready to get back to looking and feeling your best self, you’ve come to the right place. When looking for a skin tightening specialist in Fairfax, Virginia, you don’t have to look any further now that you’ve found Prolase!

Contact us today at 703-747-9443 to schedule a consultation to discuss options for skin tightening.

