CoolSculpting for Bra Fat

CoolSculpting for Bra Fat In Falls Church

— An elevated experience with remarkable results.

Finding a bra that fits really well can be a challenge! If you’re dealing with bra bulge, know that you aren’t alone.

If you’re self-conscious about this area, you may be wondering how you can get rid of it. CoolSculpting for bra fat in Falls Church is a non-surgical way to eliminate fat cells without any recovery time.

Why Choose CoolSculpting for Bra Fat?

Getting rid of bra fat can feel impossible. Even with diet and exercise, you may not be able to burn off the bulge. But with CoolSculpting, you can painlessly target this stubborn fat, giving you a slimmer, smoother upper body.

CoolSculpting uses a process known as cryolipolysis. It freezes fat, causing it to shrivel and die. Over time, your body naturally removes the cells from the body. What’s great about this treatment is that it’s non-invasive, so there isn’t any downtime afterward. You can be treated and go right back to most regular activity.

Is CoolSculpting Painful?

Exposing your skin to extremely cold temperatures doesn’t sound like the most comfortable thing. However, CoolSculpting doesn’t hurt. While you’ll feel an intense cold sensation at first, eventually the area becomes numb and you won’t feel a thing.

When Will I See CoolSculpting Results?

CoolSculpting doesn’t produce immediate results. This is because it takes time for your body to get rid of fat cells completely. Most patients start to see results within a few weeks, though it could be one to three months or longer before final results are evident.

Am I a Good Candidate for CoolSculpting?

Most women are great candidates for CoolSculpting. If you’re close to your goal weight and are in overall good health, you will likely qualify.

Where Can I Achieve Amazing Results From CoolSculpting for Bra Fat in Falls Church?

Tired of stubborn bra fat? If so, there’s no better time than now to learn about CoolSculpting. Get started by scheduling a consultation at Prolase Med Spa. Contact us today at 703-747-9443!