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We are using next generation equipment that combines both Alexandrite and Yag lasers to accommodate clients of all skin and hair types. Each treatment is 100% customizable: we enter each individual client’s characteristics, including skin color, hair color and even hair thickness, and machine is assigning you the unique program that will provide fast, comfortable and risk free, yet the most effective treatment. Full Body session takes only 25 minutes.

At ProlaseMedispa Laser Hair Removal is safe, fast and pain-free, however, it is important to protect eyes from laser light, so you will be given special protective eyewear to use during the procedure.
The technician will apply the laser light to the targeted area and deliver pulses of light to the follicles. Depending on the size of the targeted area, your session will last from 30 seconds to 25 minutes. Most patients feel no discomfort, and you can return to your normal daily schedule immediately following your session.
Keep in Mind: Hair grow is cycles – for that reason a series of a minimum 6 sessions 4-6 weeks apart is recommended for the best results.
Painless Laser Hair Removals is appropriate for clients of both genders over 15 years old, who want to get rid of unwanted hair on literally any area of the body and face.
Clients with light skin and darker hair are more responsive to Painless Laser Hair Removal, while clients with lighter hair may require more treatments. Candidates with blond or grey hair are less responsive to the treatment.
Preparation and Recovery
Preparing for Your Appointment
- No waxing or plucking for at least 3 weeks prior to the procedure. Shaving is okay, and patients should shave the targeted area the evening before each session.
- Avoid both natural and artificial tanning at least 3 weeks prior to your session. Always protect your skin with SPF 50-100, and wear a hat to protect your face.
- Avoid Active component topicals in the treatment area 2 weeks prior.
If you have a history of herpes, take an antiviral medication for 2 days prior to the treatment and 3 days after.
- At ProlaseMedispa we use one of the most advanced technologies, so patients experience minimal to no pain during the treatment.
- Minimal to no irritation occurs in our patients post procedure, so you may return to your daily routine immediately.
- Try to avoid overheating your skin with hot shower/bath, sauna, steam rooms or hot yoga for 2 days after. Workout is fine straight away.
- Schedule your next appointment in 4-6 weeks to ensure best results.
Laser Hair Removal is one of the most effective, safe and convenient method of permanent hair reduction comparing to waxing and shaving, which give not only temporary results, but also a lot of irritation and discomfort.
Most of the patient experience 60-80% of hair reduction after 6 treatments. However, more sessions may be required, and it is normal. Touch-up treatments are recommended 1-2 times a year to support the results.
Age < 15
Photic Seizures
Natural and artificial tanning within 2 weeks
Active disease process in the treatment area
Medical conditions (consult the laser technician)
Antibiotics within 2 weeks
Oral acne medications, like Accutane within 6 months
Absolute drugs (consult the laser technician)
Before & After
We do it because
You deserve Beautiful Skin