How Soon Do the Fastest Laser Hair Removal Services in Virginia Work?

If you’re new to the procedure, you might have questions like how does it work? Is it painful? How quickly will I see results?

This guide to the fastest laser hair removal services in Virginia will answer those questions and more.

Why Is Laser Hair Removal So Trendy?

Laser hair removal (LHR) is one of the most popular aesthetic treatments found at medspas. Why? This is because it’s safe, effective, and can be done on most areas of your body.

LHR can also save tons of time and energy you waste on other hair reduction methods that are often less effective. In fact, over the course of your lifetime, LHR can save thousands of dollars compared to waxing and shaving. And, the results are much longer lasting. In some cases, you can enjoy your silky smooth skin permanently.

Is Laser Hair Removal Painful? How Long Does It Take?

Some patients have compared laser hair removal to the sensation of a rubber band being snapped on the skin. However, remember that your comfort is the priority of your laser hair removal specialist. You’ll be given protective goggles to wear during treatment and a topical anesthetic can be applied to your skin for a virtually pain-free experience.

A handheld device will deliver the light / heat energy as your skin is pulled taut. Pulling the skin helps the laser reach hair follicles easier, but it doesn’t hurt.

The duration of your laser hair removal session really depends on the size of the area you wish to treat. In many cases, full-body laser hair removal can be done in 30 minutes. Of course, small areas won’t take that long and can be completed in as little as five minutes.

How Quickly Will I See Results After LHR?

Damaged hair follicles will release the hair fairly quickly. You can expect to see shedding three to five days after your first laser hair removal session.

Is There a Way to Speed Up My Laser Hair Removal Results?

Many men and women have success with gentle exfoliation starting 48 to 72 hours after laser hair removal. Opt for a scrub made from natural ingredients, and don’t use anything on the treatment site that contains harsh chemicals.

How Often Can I Safely Have Laser Hair Removal?

Always follow the advice of your specialist with regard to how often you can have the fastest laser hair removal services in Virginia. As a general rule, sessions are scheduled around four weeks apart.

Most patients require six to eight laser hair removal sessions for optimal results, though the number of laser hair removal sessions you need depends on your skin type, hair type, and hair color. Your LHR provider will create a treatment plan based on your individual needs.

Is Laser Hair Removal Really Safe?

Yes, it is. Your first step to successful and safe LHR is finding the right provider. They should specialize in laser treatments using next-generation technology that combines Alexandrite and Yag or similar lasers that have been shown to be safe and effective for all skin types and tones. 

Ready to Book? Here’s How to Prep for LHR

This isn’t a treatment you should have on a whim. You’ll need to stop all methods of hair removal other than shaving at least four weeks before your appointment. The laser targets the root of the hair follicle in order to damage or destroy it, so the root needs to be intact.

For two weeks before your appointment, you should stay out of the sun and tanning bed. Avoid self-tanners as well. Not taking this step puts you at risk of discoloration after treatment. 

There might be certain medications you need to adjust or stop beforehand. You need to get clearance from the prescribing doctor before stopping any medication.

Be Sure to Follow All Laser Hair Removal Aftercare Instructions Provided by Your Specialist

There is no downtime needed for recovery after laser hair removal, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t things you need to do to take care of your skin. Again, be careful in the sun. Exposure to harmful UV rays, whether natural or artificial, will cause sensitivity and can potentially damage your skin. 

Common side effects associated with laser hair removal are redness and swelling. You’ll find cold compresses helpful in managing any discomfort. 

The same rules apply for other hair removal methods if you plan to continue your LHR treatment plan. Stick to shaving, and forego waxing, plucking, and depilatories.

Am I a Good Candidate for Laser Hair Removal?

This is a determination that will be made during a consultation with a laser hair removal specialist. As long as you are healthy, over the age of 15, and have a desire to safely remove unwanted hair you’re likely a great candidate for laser hair removal.

This is not a treatment recommended for anyone who is pregnant or nursing, and there are some other contraindications.

Are You Looking for the Fastest Laser Hair Removal Services in Virginia? You’ll Find What You Need at Prolase Medispa!

Welcome to Prolase Medispa, the #1 laser hair removal provider in Northern Virginia! With our team, you’ll get the top-notch care and personalized treatment you deserve. 

If you have questions about laser hair removal or are ready to book your appointment, please call us at 703-747-9443. It’s time to meet with one of our specialists to discover just how much you can benefit from laser hair removal!

