Why Wait to Get Hair Removal?

During the summer, many women struggle with ingrown hairs along their bikini line.

These red and inflamed bumps are usually unavoidable when shaving or waxing and can result in self-consciousness and pain.

In an attempt to banish ingrowns and achieve smoother skin, an ever-growing number of women are turning to laser hair removal and experiencing amazing results.

To the extent, that they find themselves saying: “I should have done this sooner!” and “Why did I wait so long to get hair removal?”

If this sounds like you, continue reading to learn all about hair removal and what you can expect should you decide to undergo treatment.

Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Laser hair removal is extremely effective on most hair types and colors. In fact, patients can achieve up to a 60-90 percent reduction following a series of six treatments.

What’s more, most individuals notice significant thinning and slower regrowth within two weeks of their first session.

Others say that the laser hair removal is so effective that their smooth skin rivals that of a fresh wax.

Laser Hair Removal SpecialsIs Hair Removal Painful?

Thanks to technological advancements, laser hair removal is a virtually painless process.

Newer devices now come equipped with a patented cooling technology that improves patient comfort and prevents complications, such as burns and discoloration.

Other than a light snapping sensation, a majority of patients don’t feel much of anything during laser hair removal.

If you are concerned about discomfort, ask your provider about a numbing agent like ice or topical anesthetic.

Will Laser Hair Removal Eliminate Ingrown Hairs?

Many women and men turn to laser hair removal to alleviate painful and unsightly ingrown hairs.

Within a few treatments, hair removal can reduce the number and severity of ingrowns and reveal a smooth and clear bikini line.

Why Did I Wait So Long to Get Hair Removal?

After taking the plunge and seeing their impressive results, patients often find themselves wondering: Why did I wait so long to get hair removal?

For many of these patients, rumors and misconceptions about hair removal’s efficacy and pain caused them to hesitate.

However, post-treatment, they realized these myths are due to inexperienced providers and outdated technology, rather than the procedure itself.

Get Started with Laser Hair Removal Today

To learn more about the best laser hair removal in Northern Virginia, schedule an appointment at Prolase Medispa.

We are conveniently located in Fairfax, Virginia, Arlington, Virginia and Burke, Virginia.

