Transgender Laser Hair Removal In Falls Church
— An elevated experience with remarkable results.
Hair growth when transitioning is a very legitimate concern. You should know that it is possible to get rid of that hair permanently and reveal your true self. Having a face, chest, and back that are closer to matching your gender-identity without a high-maintenance hair removal routine sounds nice, right?
Waxing and shaving work, but they take time and energy, plus they can be painful. Why bother, when you can get long-term laser hair removal (LHR) results and never shave or wax again?!
Why Choose Laser Hair Removal?
Laser hair removal for transgender people is incredibly effective at destroying hair follicles for permanently reduced facial and / or body hair. If you have the choice between waxing, shaving, or plucking every few days or having the hair gone for good, the choice is clear.
LHR also saves your skin from razor burn, ingrown hairs, and stubble. It is perfect for large areas of the body like the legs for those transitioning to female because the lasers can target them quickly. It can also be used in other areas though, like the underarms. This means you can focus on living your life instead of spending time removing hair on your own.
Areas where you can consider hair removal include the face, where you may want a full beard removal or eyebrow touched up, chest and back. The torso is a popular region for LHR. Pubic hair can also be treated, and you can choose bikini or Brazilian style. The choice is yours depending on the appearance you are looking for.
What Does Laser Hair Removal Feel Like? Does It Hurt?
Laser hair removal is not totally painless, but discomfort is minimal when you compare it to waxing. Some people say it feels like a rubber band being snapped on your skin as the laser is working. If you are uncomfortable, you can ask for a topical anesthetic to numb the area.
It is possible you may experience some sensitivity after your treatment, which you can control with over-the-counter pain medicine like ibuprofen. Also, you can apply ice packs to the treated area(s) to provide further relief.
There are some things you can do to help your skin stay in the best shape and minimize pain before a laser hair removal session. It’s important to keep shaving, but don’t pluck or wax prior to your appointment. If there’s no follicle due to removal, the follicle can’t be destroyed! Be sure to wear sunscreen when outdoors. Don’t show up with a tan (real or artificial) or a sunburn, or it will be less comfortable than it should be.
Aftercare is important to staying comfortable too. Keep wearing sunscreen and avoiding harsh sun exposure after LHR. Avoid wearing makeup as well. If you want to wear small amounts to cover up any lingering redness, that is okay. Just don’t over do it.
Staying hydrated before and after each session also helps to reduce discomfort.
When Will I See LHR Results?
Areas of your body and facial hair are constantly growing. In fact, there are four phases to hair growth: anagen (growth / active phase), catagen (transitional phase), telogen (resting phase), and exogen (hair falling out phase).
The growth phase is when the laser has the best opportunity to destroy the follicle. That’s one reason you will need repeated sessions. You need to catch as many hairs as possible in the growth phase for them to be destroyed and to achieve long-lasting results.
Some people require six to eight sessions before seeing major results, as more hair enters into the growth phase and can be treated. However, you will likely see some results after just one session.
You can achieve an 85% to 90% reduction in unwanted hair by following the number of sessions recommended by your laser provider. That’s really helpful when you are transitioning!
How Can You Make Results Last Longer?
Follow all pre- and post-laser instructions given to you by your LHR provider. You should also be sure to choose the best laser professionals to ensure your success. Additionally, follow the advice of your laser expert and complete the full treatment plan.
Am I a Good Candidate for Laser Hair Removal?
LHR is safe to use in combination with HRT if this is a concern for you. As you undergo hormonal changes, your hair patterns will be changing, and laser hair removal can speed this up. Be sure to tell your provider what hormones you are taking, as well as other medications / supplements so they can select the best laser for you.
Where Is the Best Place to Go for Laser Hair Removal In Falls City?
If you are looking for compassionate, supportive, and judgment-free laser hair removal, come to the professionals at Prolase Medispa to help you in your transition! We are experts in the field of hair removal and have helped many people in a similar situation as you. Facing the challenges of a transition is hard, but you aren’t alone!
Let us show you how easy and pain free it can be to shed that unwanted hair in a safe and comfortable environment. Our goal is to create a hair removal plan tailored to our clients individual needs
Call to schedule your consultation with our laser professionals today at 703-747-9443! Be sure to ask about our special offers to make LHR more affordable, especially when treating multiple areas.