Is Full Body Laser Hair Removal in Great Falls, Virginia Possible?

By now, everyone and their grandmother has heard of laser hair removal, and it’s stood the test of time. One of the most popular hair removal methods, you may be wondering if a full body hair removal is possible.

Keep reading to find out more about full body laser hair removal in Great Falls, Virginia, and whether you can even achieve such a result.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Understanding how laser hair removal works is important for determining if you can receive full body hair removal.

The laser used in this hair removal technique is designed to target dark pigments, typically found in the thicker hair on your bikini area, legs, and underarms. 

That being said, lighter hair can be treated but oftentimes requires more sessions for desired results. With the heat from the laser, it safely damages the hair follicle, inhibiting or delaying future hair growth.

Is It Possible to Achieve Full Body Laser Hair Removal in Great Falls, Virginia?

Here comes the science. The human body has two main types of hair follicles: terminal and vellus. Your terminal hair follicles produce thicker, darker hair, whereas the vellus is light and fine, likened to peach fuzz. For a laser, this peach fuzz is difficult to target.

You can receive treatment anywhere on your body, including your shoulders, back, arms, legs, face, and more. What limits your treatment is how light colored and fine the hair is.

So, from a technical standpoint, no. You probably won’t be able to remove every single hair on your body. But, you can get rid of most.

For Laser Hair Removal Experts, You Need Prolase Medispa!

Prolase Medispa specializes in innovative laser treatments, with a highly skilled team who understands their practice in and out.

If you’re searching for a full body laser hair removal in Great Falls, Virginia, give us a call at 703-747-9443, and book your consultation to see how we can help!

