Is CoolSculpting Better than Lipo?

In the past, liposuction was the only way to eliminate unwanted fat and sculpt the body.

But over the last 10 years, a slew of non-invasive body contouring treatments have emerged.

Of these, CoolSculpting is one of the most studied, popular, and effective alternatives to liposuction. 

So, it’s not surprising that many patients want to know: Is CoolSculpting better than lipo?

Continue reading to find out 5 areas where CoolSculpting is the clear winner.

Is CoolSculpting Better than Lipo? 

If you are considering a fat removal procedure, you may be wondering: Is CoolSculpting better than lipo?

For many women and men, CoolSculpting offers a nonsurgical, noninvasive, and zero-downtime alternative to liposuction.

It can also eliminate up to 24 percent of fat from a variety of trouble spots and works especially well on hard-to-treat areas.

5 Areas Where CoolSculpting Works Better than Lipo

1. Underarms 

Underarm fat can be particularly persistent and often stops people from wearing sleeveless tops and dresses.

Fortunately, the CoolMini applicator offers the ideal fit for underarm bulges, while avoiding surgery, incisions, anesthesia, and downtime.

2. Upper Inner Thigh

The upper inner thigh is challenging to sculpt with lipo, as it can result in unwanted loose skin.

Because CoolSculpting provides gradual fat removal, it limits this risk and produces beautiful results.

3. Banana Roll

Like the upper inner thigh, the banana roll is susceptible to skin laxity and sagging following liposuction.

This makes CoolSculpting the obvious choice for anyone with bothersome bulges under the buttocks.

4. Neck

The CoolMini applicator is specifically-designed to target and reduce excess fat under the chin and jawline.

Treatment takes just 40 minutes and doesn’t require an uncomfortable compression garment or lengthy recovery.

5. Bra Line Fat

CoolSculpting can also banish bra line and back fat better than lipo and help you feel more confident in fitted tops and backless dresses.

Learn More

If you are contemplating CoolSculpting and lipo, please call our office today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with one of our highly skilled and talented providers.

