Does CoolSculpting Really Work to Contour Without Plastic Surgery?

CoolSculpting in Fairfax, VA, is the new boss in town when it comes to matters involving management problematic body fat. And who doesn’t have those trouble spots that just don’t seem to respond to diet and exercise?! But, does CoolSculpting really work to improve your physique without having to go under the knife?

What’s the Scoop – Does CoolSculpting Really Work?

The answer is yes, and here is the real scoop on this sensational non-surgical fat elimination technique. CoolSculpting in Fairfax, VA, is a process that involves the removal of unwanted body fat situated at nine specific areas of the body, including under the chin, under the jawline, under the buttocks, flanks, abdomen, bra fat, fat on upper arms, on the back, and the thighs.

CoolSculpting in Fairfax, VA, eliminates up to 25% of fat cells in the treated area through a process called cryolipolysis which targets stubborn fat and freezes it. Once treated, the fat cells die and are eliminated through your body’s natural waste-elimination method. There’s no downtime afterward, so you can go right back to your normal activities.

The effectiveness of this procedure to eliminate stubborn fat that is resistant to diet and exercise has been proven by research and clinical trials, and CoolSculpting results are lasting and noticeable. As long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle, you will keep fat away and maintain your sculpted physique permanently. Once fat is eliminated, it can never return. However, new fat cells can take their place if you don’t maintain your weight through diet and exercise.

And the Best Part? CoolSculpting Is Available Right Here at Prolase MediSpa!

At Prolase MediSpa, we provide the best CoolSculpting services in Fairfax, VA, offered by our well-trained professionals with experience and expertise on safe and effective CoolSculpting techniques. Now that you know the answer to your question, “Does CoolSculpting really work,” it’s time to book your appointment. Call us at 703-747-9443 for more information on CoolSculpting and other cosmetic treatments designed to help you look and feel your absolute best!

