How to Get the Best IPL Photofacial in Falls Church, Virginia

IPL, or intense pulsed light, is a treatment that works wonders for removing skin discoloration and treating rosacea and broken capillaries.

If any of these are visible on your face, then you should try the best IPL photofacial in Falls Church, Virginia.

Here’s How IPL Works for Skin Rejuvenation

IPL targets the lower layers of skin with high-intensity light. This gets rid of the causes of discoloration and redness while at the same time stimulating collagen production. When collagen production is increased, the skin softens and becomes smoother. If you have rosacea, you’ll experience a significant reduction in the redness.

Am I an Ideal Candidate for an IPL Photofacial?

Neary everyone with rosacea, hyperpigmentation, enlarged pores, or sun-damaged skin is a good candidate for IPL.

What Should I Expect During an IPL Photofacial? Is it Painful?

Many clients say they feel a sensation similar to a rubber band snapping their skin, but to ease discomfort, you can request a numbing agent be applied before treatment.

Are There Any Side Effects Associated With an IPL Photofacial?

Because there is no cutting involved, this is one of the safest treatments available. Serious risks are not likely, but there are a few side effects. 

You may experience scabbing, bruising, swelling, and a change in your skin color. None of these are permanent and disappear fairly quickly on their own.

What About Results? How Long Does It Take to See a Change?

You will start to see results relatively quickly, within about 10 days.

Here’s Why You Should Choose Prolase MediSpa for the Best IPL Photofacial in Falls Church, Virginia!

We believe everyone deserves beautiful skin, so we use the latest technology in cosmetic services to be sure you have just that! You’ll experience a warm and comforting environment while you’re here along with exceptional personalized care. 

Reach us at 703-747-9443 to book your consultation for the best iPL photofacial in Falls Church, Virginia. Be sure to ask about our other cosmetic services that pair well with a photofacial, so your skin looks it’s best in time for the holidays.



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